

It was so great being back this past Sunday. Can I just say I LOVE MY CHURCH! Sunday was such a reminder of why we do what we do the way we do it. First and for most, we are doing what God called us to do. Second, our unique style allows us to reach people who gave up on church or never went. Sunday between the two campuses and three services, over 70 people by show of hand indicated they were taking a next step in their faith, most placing their faith in Jesus Christ for the first time. Then Sunday night we heard amazing stories from people who went public with their faith by following Christ in baptism. It just doesn’t get any better than that! 

Tickets are now available for our Christmas Eve services. This year we will offer four identical services; three at our Mechanicsville campus at 2, 4 and 8 PM and a 6PM service at our West End Campus. I am really excited to have the opportunity to speak live at both campuses. If you can't make one campus join us at the other!

Regarding the tickets…
  • They are free (do NOT sell them on eBay - unless you can and you give the money to the church! Just kidding…sort of.)
  • They are an EXCELLENT TOOL for you to use to invite people to a Christmas service. Remember, this is NOT about church attendance, it’s about eternity!  Statistics say 1 in 4 people will come if someone they know invites them. 
  • They help us serve people in the best way possible by making sure that we have enough seats at every service for the people who show up.
  • If someone does not have a ticket, they can STILL attend a service.
  •  We never lock eyes with another person who doesn’t matter to the Father. Therefore since people matter to God they should matter to us. They should matter enough for us to invite them to come with us.
  • At our services people will hear just how much they matter and be given a chance to respond to God’s amazing grace.

I am also looking forward to the new year as we hear an inspiring story of generosity on January 1st. I will be interviewing someone who God is using to make a difference in unique ways. Then on January 8th we will start a new series - REST

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