
"That's What Christmas Is All About, Charlie Brown!"

WOW! Christmas Eve at Atlee Community Church was AWESOME! A big THANK YOU to staff and all the great volunteers who helped make it happen. I also want to say “way to go” to all those who invited people. We had over 2300 people attend one of four services. We had over 80 people pray to receive Christ and hundreds more who prayed and ask God to "use them as He sees fit." This really is what Christmas is all about!

We wrapped up the Blueprint Christmas Series and here are the take-a-ways;
1. God has a plan and you are included in that plan.
2. Obedience to that plan will require faith.
3. Obedience will always be met with opposition.
4. God rarely reveals more than just the next step.
5. When God's plan seems to go awry - stay the course.
6. God's plan is always bigger than the obvious.
7. God's plan is to change the world; first in you then through you.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, " plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11(NIV84)

I pray that we don't too soon forget, as we move on to the next series, what God wants to first do in us and then through us!

I am looking forward to the New Year with great expectation. I believe God started something at Atlee during the last few months of 2011 that is preparing us for what he plans to do in us and through us in 2012. God has impressed on my heart two things that he is calling us be more mindful of at Atlee. This will be the topic of discussion over the next few weeks. So finish this year well and be ready to dig in as we prepare for what God has in store for the New Year.

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