
Switched at Birth

Can you imagine bringing home someone else’s baby? Can you imagine someone taking home your newborn baby? Hard to imagine that it could happen—but it did. That’s the inspiration behind our Christmas series, Switched at Birth.

We’re going to be looking at the birth of Jesus Christ according to three different authors. Three men from three different backgrounds and occupations each tell their version of what happened and how it impacts our lives today.

On Christmas Eve we will bring it all home as we compare a modern day story of two babies switched at birth with the birth of Jesus Christ.

Every year pastors face the daunting task of telling the traditional Christmas story with fresh new insights. I have to admit I’m really excited about this year’s series and what God has laid on my heart to share.

I’m praying for 3 full campuses and 5 full services this year! I believe at least one of our services will be standing room only Christmas Eve! 

As your pastor I ask you to partner with me - do not come alone this year! Start praying now and invite people to come with you. I promise you won’t regret it – and neither will they!

May your focus be on what matters most as we enter the season that celebrates God coming to earth and taking on human flesh to say to us, in person, “You matter to me!”

Merry Christmas,

Pastor Jeff

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