

What an incredible day at Atlee. Those who think church can't be fun, meaningful and life changing have never been to Atlee Community Church
I was reflecting on this morning and all that happened. Here are some of the highlights for me.
1. The service as a whole just for starters was amazing. I sensed God's incredible presence during tech run through and was brought to tears. Sometimes all you can do is just be silent and watch in awe as God does what only God can do!
2. The bags of clothing. The visual image of the mound of clothes on the stage this morning was breath taking. The thought of how each piece of clothing would go to make a difference in the life of someone was huge. Jesus said, "when you have done it to the least of these you have done it unto me." Atlee, I am so proud of your generosity. You really do model the phrase - "generosity is not what we do its who we are!"
3. The number of people who helped carry bags. Watching so many people working together at the end of the second service and carrying all those clothes from the auditorium to the Student Ministry room was probably the biggest highlight for me today.  The thought of what we can accomplish when we all work together is mind boggling.
4. The volunteers sorting clothes. After the services were over many gathered to help Nelson sort through, fold and bag all those clothes. We will never know the lives that are going to be impacted by all this!
5. Conversations with people after services. Each week I get to stand up front after the services and hear story after story of how God is at work in peoples lives and today was no exception. 
6. 30 plus people crossed the line! In the last 6 weeks we have seen over 200 people cross the line of faith. This morning one mother shared through tears of joy that her teenage son and his friend raised their hand after praying to receive Christ.  
7. We hit budget, again! Since talking about tithing and encouraging people to step up and trust God we have now hit budget 11 weeks in a row. One lady told me this morning, "I didn't fill out the 90 Day Challenge because no matter what I don't want any money back. It's all His (God's) anyway!" 
8. Student sponsorships. I heard that several people generously provided sponsorships so that students could attend the winter retreat in February at Watermarks Camp. There is still a need for more if you would like to help.

This is only the second week of the new year, can't wait to see what is going to happen over the next 50. Again let me say how proud and blessed I am to be lead pastor of Atlee Community Church. You guys rock! I love my church!

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